A Call to Return: A Journey with Didi Contractor
Fish curry and Rice - A source book on Goa, Its ecology and life-style
Transforming Academic Institutions - my experiments with a human touch
Essays on Tradition, Recovery and Freedom
Panchayat Raj and Indian Polity
The Beautiful Tree: Indigenous Indian Education in Eighteenth Century
Civil Disobedience in Indian Tradition
Indian Science and Technology in the Eighteenth Century
Regenerating the Soil - from agronomy to agrology
The Earthworm Book
Gandhi's Challenge to Modern Science
Amazing Amranth
Cooking with Nature's Harvest
Pulse of Life
Bhoole Bisre Anaj - Forgotten Foods
Akshat - Rice
Kanak - Wheat
Masale - Spices
Tilhan - Oilseeds
Decolonising the University